Twan, Maurits and Leon on the BMR 2.0 project

Developing an app in the low-code platform Mendix that helps field operatives to work more efficiently.

"Thanks to this Mendix app, field operatives work faster and more efficiently"

Recording overground assets within Large Users and Networks more smartly. That's what the BMR 2.0 project is all about. To that end, Twan, Maurits, Leon and their colleague Tim are developing an innovative application in Mendix. Their goal is to create a user-friendly interface between the field operatives and the complex GEN software. What is unique about this project is that the team involved the users at an early stage. Thanks to their input, the team were able to build the app in a focused and effective way.

Uploading photos

No need to complete data fields any more - just upload a photo. This makes recording the work both easier and faster for field operatives. "They currently enter data manually, which is then copied to another system. That can be done much more efficiently," says product owner Twan, who has worked at Enexis for over 14 years. "We are therefore now developing an app in Mendix that links the GIS system with the GEN (Geographic information system Enexis Networks) software, and in which the field operative works with photos. If something is not right, a dialogue is initiated with the people in the office and the problem is resolved quickly."

"We are developing an app in Mendix that links the GIS with our GEN system. The field operative then only has to take a photo and upload it."

Twan, product owner

Focus on efficiency

Twan thinks the improvement is badly needed. "Because of the energy transition, more and more new stations need to be added, and that demands a lot of our field operatives. They fulfil a scarce role within Enexis. So we would like them to be able to focus on what they are good at: their technical work. The new way of recording saves them time, and that has a big impact." Twan adds that efficiency is a high priority at Enexis anyway. "A number of colleagues at each branch focus on improvements. And BMR (Aboveground Asset Registration) was always in the top 3."

"I re-examined the needs from a UX perspective. This showed that the users wanted something completely different. That was a real eye-opener."

Maurice, senior UX designer

The power of UX

After a thorough analysis of the issue, the team started creating the application in early 2024. "But then I developed some doubts," says Maurits, who joined the team in February as senior UX designer. "Was this really what users needed? And if you have doubts, you need to engage with your users. So I conducted interviews and re-examined the needs from a UX perspective. This showed that the users wanted something completely different. That was a real eye-opener."

Low and high fidelity

"With the input we gathered then, I created low fidelity designs, also known as mock-ups or wireframes. With that, we made the app clickable so we could show users what it would look like." The team then organised several sessions with users, so that the design came together bit by bit. "To the point where we could really start developing. Then I designed high fidelity designs so users could actually experience how the app works and we could measure interaction. This allowed us to write the user stories faster and build the app more effectively."

High level of seniority

The four team members are well attuned. Maurits says: "Alongside the design, I also do the front-end. I thereby work closely with Leon, who is responsible for the back-end." Leon, who like Tim is a senior Mendix developer, joined the team in May. "I make sure that the information from the GEN software is processed properly and that the system does what it’s supposed to do. I write that out in detail. And I make sure that the app fits within Mendix's architecture guidelines." There is a high level of seniority within the team according to Maurits: "We know exactly what needs to be done and we are self-directing. If we get stuck, we can turn to one another."

From planning to implementation

As the product owner (PO), Twan is responsible for the progress, planning and communication with users and management. "As the PO, I go out into the field to tell our story and set the right expectations. I always use our demo and prototype for that, which says a lot more than PowerPoint sheets. I also ensure that as a team we are designing a workable MVP (Minimum Viable Product) based on user input. And I am responsible for the implementation of the application. I thereby make sure that we give the right instructions at the right time to the right target group."

Contributions to the energy transition

Another great challenge of the project is the collaboration with the field operatives. Maurice explains: "These are often critical but sympathetic colleagues. Initially they sometimes had doubts about the application, but now they have become real promoters! They are really enthusiastic and keen to work with us to create a good app." That enthusiasm, together with the room that Enexis has provided for the project, makes the team members proud. "We are creating something really cool that will have a big impact. This application enables us to work more efficiently and thus accelerate the energy transition," adds Leon.

"We are creating something really cool that will have a big impact. This application enables us to work more efficiently and thus accelerate the energy transition."

Leon, senior Mendix developer


Automatic image recognition

The application will be built in the third and fourth quarters of 2024. "The MVP can then go live for both the gas and power disciplines," Maurits says. "This version is based on manual interpretation of data. After that, we will continue to develop the app, since there will always be areas for improvement. The next step is to add image recognition to the application using AI. Ideally, the app can then recognise for itself whether the photo was taken correctly by the field operative. And information such as a model number can be read automatically. That will create even greater efficiency, including for data processing."

One of the world’s largest Mendix users

With more than 120 applications running, Enexis is one of the world’s largest Mendix users. "With this low-code platform, we are developing creative and user-friendly applications that improve the process flow," explains Twan. Want to learn more about Mendix? Then Enexis is the place to be, says Leon. "There is a lot of expertise here, so you’re always learning. Furthermore, Enexis offers you the confidence to grow and gives you the space to implement your ideas. So it’s the ideal place to give your career a boost!"