Linda is a UX/UI designer at Enexis

Moving from SAP administrator to UX/UI designer: Linda seized the opportunity. That's how she found her ideal job within Enexis!

"IT and design combined: that sounded like my ideal combination!"

Creating applications that are both user-friendly and look great. That's what gives Linda her boost. In October 2022, she made the switch to her dream job within Enexis: UX/UI designer. "As a child, I knew I wanted to do something with computers. But I was also really creative! Drawing, painting, sewing: that was really where I found my passion. And still do, incidentally. In this role, those 2 worlds come together perfectly for me."

Software developer

After training as a software developer, Linda worked for various energy companies. "I've always been fascinated by the energy sector, so I made that choice consciously." When she had no scope to develop at her previous employer, she decided to apply to Enexis. "And now I’ve been working here for over 10 years!" Her creativity has never stopped during those years. "I have done all sorts of things: designing cards, making logos and even started my own photography business, all alongside my 'day' job."

The ideal combination

Linda started at Enexis as a SAP functional manager. About seven years ago, she was introduced to the field of UX and it immediately piqued her interest. "IT and design combined: that sounded like the ideal combination to me! But because it was still in its infancy within Enexis at the time, I was unable to change jobs. Until I heard in 2022 that my colleague was transferring to this team - that started the ball rolling again. I immediately sent the manager a message that I would also like to work there, and I got a call within 10 minutes."

Employees first

"Then it happened very quickly. The managers liaised quickly, and my transfer was arranged within two months." But that still took some doing, explains Linda: "There was no open vacancy, so a conversion and training programme was created for me. And in the other team, I still had to do a handover of my own work, of course. But the managers prioritised my wish. Because they knew: if this colleague wants to stay at Enexis and even wants to progress in a field that is in high demand, we have to help her!"

Online catalogue

Does Linda feel she’s in the right place? "I absolutely love it, this really is my thing!" As a UX/UI designer, she contributes to thinking about the usability of internal applications. She thereby interacts with users to identify their goals and needs. And she thinks about the design: where should the buttons be, for example? And what colour should they be? "For instance, I worked with other colleagues to redesign our online catalogue for colleagues, where you can order something like a phone or a computer mouse."

Working with Mendix

In her role, Linda works a lot with the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) programming language. And she uses the Mendix platform, mainly in collaboration with the Mendix developers. "Recently, we as a team were uncoupled from the Mendix team, but the collaboration with the developers is actually getting more intensive. These colleagues are super technical, but often find it difficult to work out what a screen should look like and how a user navigates through an app. That is why they ask us to help them think about the design and layout of the UI (User Interface), so that the user experience is also optimal." Linda also contributed to the creation of Aura, a library full of design guidelines for the developers.

Increasingly visible

Alongside the 3 other UX designers, Linda is part of a great team. "We work from home a lot, but can always videocall each other if we want to talk things over." She also has a lot of contact with colleagues across the organisation. "Everyone can come to us. It's nice to see that colleagues are finding it easier to reach out to us and involve us in ongoing projects." When does Linda go home feeling satisfied? "Every day, actually! At the end of the day, I’m proud when I’ve solved a complex issue or created a nice design."

"Enexis genuinely looks at who you are as a person. If you want to progress or develop, it's all possible, as long as it contributes to your job satisfaction.”

Linda, UX/UI designer

Paying attention to job satisfaction

Of course, there are reasons why Linda has been working at Enexis for over 10 years. "In addition, the good terms of employment, the organisation is also great. You are given plenty of freedom in how you organise your work, and they really give you the confidence to do your job well. I also did not expect my move to this role to be so smooth. Enexis genuinely looks at who you are and where your talents lie. If you want to progress or develop, it's all possible, as long as it contributes to your job satisfaction and delivers value for Enexis. I thought that was very special." Interested? Check out our vacancies now!