“As a scrum master, I really get to use my creativity”

Cris is a scrum master at Enexis

Take it to the team. That’s Cris’s mantra. As a scrum master, he facilitates the team that mainly manages the cloud infrastructure for the Geographical Information System Enexis Network (GEN). “My goal is to coach the team members to be open about how they are feeling,” Cris explains. “Like mentioning if your personal situation is affecting your concentration. Or if you’re stuck on a task. And then the team works together to solve it. It’s so great to see that happen!”

Crucial system for fault detection

Cris ensures that his colleagues can work undisturbed on an optimally functioning cloud infrastructure where GEN runs. “This is the system in which all Enexis assets are or will be registered,” Cris explains. “From cables and pipes to transformer stations and 10 kV stations. Everything needed to meet the demand for electricity and gas. The system is crucial for, among other things, fault detection in our energy network. Our team ensures that GEN is available 24/7 in a secure environment and that the software is up-to-date.”

Building a strong team

The work is done in 3-week sprints. In the daily stand-ups, team members reflect on the agreements they made together before the sprint. In a coaching role, Cris encourages his colleagues to share what’s going on beneath the surface. “Our stand-ups last 10 minutes, at most 15. In the office, we do it standing up, which gives a sense of strength. Via Teams, everyone is just as open, but you can read body language less well. Either way, this is the moment for everyone to indicate what they’re running into. There’s no hierarchy; we are one team. When necessary, I ask the right questions. Then I stay silent, and the rest happens naturally. That’s when you really see how powerful this group is.”

"Take it to the team. That's my mantra. It's so great to see it actually happen!"

Cris  - scrum master

The power of creativity

According to Cris, what is the most important tool for a scrum master? “Creativity!” he says firmly. “You use it most effectively during retrospectives when we physically look back on the past sprint with the whole team in a room. For example, I once asked everyone to bring something from home and, during the review, link it to the sprint. Colleagues shared things that others didn’t know and were touched by each other’s stories. So special, I’ll never forget it. That’s how you get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses as a team.”

Room for initiative and career steps

The freedom to choose your own approach is something you get plenty of at Enexis, according to Cris. “And not only that, they also appreciate your initiative. If you have an idea, show that it works. And then you can go ahead and implement it. Everyone also gets the opportunities to follow studies and take career steps. For example, I started here in the mid-80s as a surveyor. Later, I made the transition to functional management via system management. Now I’ve been a scrum master for 5 years. As much as I look forward to my new freedom, I’m really going to miss it; the work and especially the people,” he reflects contentedly. (As you read this, Cris is enjoying his well-deserved retirement.)

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